RHE (Relationships and Health Education), also known as PSHE

RHE, also known as ‘PSHE’

Through our PSHE curriculum (Personal, Social, Health and Economic), we aim for every child to leave Sutton Veny school with the core skills to aid them in everyday life and to overcome challenges. The curriculum covers our core values of courage, peace and friendship, as well as the importance of our relationships, the wider world, mental health and wellbeing. With these key skills and learning opportunities, we will help all children to flourish and thrive.


 “It is not about being all the same, it’s about respecting differences… Strength lies in differences, not similarities”


We have recently reviewed and updated our PSHE curriculum, to reflect on the ever changing world, as well as our school values. The new curriculum helps the children to reflect on the importance of our school values, as well as preparing the children mentally and physically, by teaching compassion, empathy and the understanding of the diversity in our world. The teachings from the SMSC curriculum (Social, Moral, Spiritual and Culture) is woven throughout the opportunities and teachings we provide, within the PSHE curriculum.


PSHE in Sutton Veny School is taught weekly through focused lessons and circle times, and is given high priority in the curriculum. PSHE gives children the opportunity to share their ideas and experiences in a safe environment, where they learn to communicate effectively. We strongly believe that PSHE is a valuable and powerful tool for children to become whole and rounded individuals; recognising that their physical and mental well-being forms a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

During lessons, the children explore different kinds of relationships, and how to keep themselves safe within them. They learn about how to keep mentally and physically healthy and deal with feelings and about their wellbeing.

The children follow a programme of different learning opportunities and experiences that help them grow and develop as individuals, as members of families and within different communities. They begin to learn more about equality and diversity, by celebrating being unique.

They take pride in recording their written work, but their learning may also take place in a more cross-curricular way through experiences such as story, drama, art or music.


Anti Bullying Policy UPD Nov 24.pdf

Child Friendly Anti Bullying Policy.pdf

RSE Overview for Sutton Veny.pdf

Vocabulary Progression - Sutton Veny.pdf

Year 1 PSHE Progression Assessment.pdf

Year 2 PSHE Progression Assessment.pdf

Year 3 PSHE Progression Assessment.pdf

Year 4 PSHE Progression Assessment.pdf

Year 5 PSHE Progression Assessment.pdf

Year 6 PSHE Progression Assessment.pdf

Throughout the children’s time within Sutton Veny school, the children will have lessons based around three core themes; relationships, Health and Wellbeing, and living in the wider world. Each theme has multiple strands of lessons, which are organised into sequences of learnings.


Each year, we celebrate ‘Anti- Bullying week’ throughout the school, by having a whole class focus on the importance of being kind, and feeling safe. We take this time to reflect, create and share ideas on how to be a friendly and caring school. By sharing our child friendly ‘Anti Bullying Policy’, we ensure the children understand fully what bullying is, and how to respond if it happens.

Additionally, we re-iterate these core learnings throughout the year, within our class PSHE lessons, and our daily assemblies, which are based around a core value each term.


Across each year, we take every opportunity to help the children grow and be their better self. By celebrating special occasions like ‘World Smile Day’, ‘Black History Month, ‘Pride’ and ‘Red Nose Day’, we encourage a wider understanding of the world around us.


During the last summer term, each class will be taught RSE (Relationships and Sex Education), based from the government’s compulsory teachings for all primary schools. Our guiding principles have been, that all of the compulsory subject content must be age appropriate and developmentally appropriate. We strive to teach the curriculum sensitively and inclusively, with respect to the backgrounds and beliefs of pupils and parents, while always with the aim of providing pupils with the knowledge they need of the law. These subjects represent a huge opportunity to help our children and young people develop. The knowledge and attributes gained will support their own, and others’, wellbeing and attainment and help young people to become successful and happy adults, who make a meaningful contribution to society.


For further information, please refer to school’s RSE Curriculum document.