Religious Education and Worldviews
R.E. in Sutton Veny School follows the Wiltshire locally agreed syllabus for R.E. As a Church of England school the Christian calendar is a vibrant thread throughout the year. R.E. is taught in blocked weeks each term, with Christianity being taught in every year group. This allows in-depth exploration of key questions allowing children to explore, question and deepen their understanding of religious literacy. The children follow an enquiry-based approach using the resource -Understanding Christianity and Discovery R.E.
The children take pride in recording their written work in R.E. books, but their learning may also take place through story, drama, art or music. Through R.E. lessons the children also develop their critical thinking skills. They experience valuable opportunities to explore spiritual, moral, social and cultural questions relevant to their lives.
- encourage reflection on the ‘big’ questions
- enhance critical thinking and evaluation skills
- supports spiritual development
- equips the children for a world of understanding, tolerance and diversity