Canberra (Year 2)
Miss Gee
Class Teacher
Miss Griffin
Teaching Partner
Miss Berrington
PE Teacher (Thursday afternoons)
Canberra's Topic for Term 3 is 'Heroes and Heroines'.
Early Morning Work
For the first half-an–hour of the day, Year Two practise and consolidate key skills in Maths and English.
Children will read individually, or in a group, to the teacher during this time. They will be heard at least once per fortnight.
Additionally, interventions will take place as part of Early Morning Work.
English units develop the children’s reading, writing and speaking and listening skills.
This term our units of study are:
- Non-chronological Reports (2 weeks)
- Newspaper Reports (3 weeks)
- Rhyming Poetry and writing conferencing (1 week)
To begin each English session, children will participate in a Phonics session, which will include revision of Phase 3 to 5 sounds, as well as coverage of Phase 6 sounds and new spelling rules.
Maths is taught daily. The main focus of teaching is aimed at developing each child’s confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value. They will work with numerals, words and the four operations, including access to lots of practical resources to support their understanding of the key concepts. The school follows the White Rose scheme of work and, this term, we will be focusing on:
- Measurement: Money (2 weeks)
- Number: Multiplication and Division (3 weeks)
The children will continue to learn their x2 and x5 times tables, as well as the corresponding division facts, throughout the term. They will also start to learn their x10 times tables.
During Science this term, the children will undertake an Investigative Science unit, which is linked to their Superheroes learning, as well as their Florence Nightingale ('Nurturing Nurses') topic. They will be developing their skills in:
- Asking simple questions and exploring how these questions can be answered in different ways.
- Making careful observations.
- Recording changes over time and exploring patterns and relationships.
- Using simple scientific equipment.
- Carrying out fair tests.
- Gathering and recording simple data using tables, graphs, words and labelled diagrams.
- Using their findings to answer questions.
- Talking about what they found out and how they found this out.
The children are taught computing skills throughout the week during different lessons as a way to develop, support and inspire their learning. This will include using a variety of programs on both the laptops and the iPads. The children follow the school's SMART rules to ensure that they use the internet and computing equipment sensibly. This term Canberra Class will be developing their understanding of and skills in:
- Computer graphics (creating their own comic board)
- Digital art (Pop Art/superhero theme)
- Research (linked to History)
- Presenting Information (Science)
It will also be ‘ESafety Week’ at the start of February, and so the children will be taking part in extra activities, where they will consider how to keep themselves and their personal information safe when online.
Religious Education
Through RE, the children learn about different religions and themes. RE is also supported during themed collective worship every day. This term the children will be exploring Islam through the question: ‘Why and how do special places and symbols help people show what they believe?’
History: Nurturing Nurses
Who was “The Lady With The Lamp”, and why is she important?
This term the children will develop their skills in History through their study of key historical figures, with a focus on Florence Nightingale. This will include:
- Recounting the life of someone famous from Britain who lived in the past.
- Researching the life of a famous person from the past using different sources of information.
- Asking and answering questions based on historical objects, people and events that I am learning about.
- Using words and phrase like: before, after, then and now.
The children will also learn about the lives of Mary Seacole and Jean Walker (a local study). Through their exploration of these key historical figures each child will be encouraged to draw his/her own conclusions in response to the question: Are superheroes the only heroes?
During Term 3, Canberra Class will be learning about digital safety through their Digital Wellbeing (Relationships) unit. They will be exploring how to stay safe online, how to look after their personal information and how to communicate safely and respectfully online. This unit will culminate in a whole school ‘ESafety Week’ at the start of February.
Physical Education
This term in PE, Canberra class will have a Dance session on Monday afternoons, which will be linked to the superheroes theme. The children will additionally participate in a weekly Multi-Skills session with Miss. Berrington every Thursday afternoon. These sessions will build on the children's previous experience and will allow the children to enhance their co-ordination, balance and teamwork skills. Please ensure that your child wears their PE kit to school on these days to allow them to get the most out of these lessons. Longer hair will need to be tied up and jewellery removed.
Art and Design
During Term 3, Canberra Class will participate in a weekly Art and Design session with Mrs. Blair for their Enrichment on Wednesday afternoons. They will be exploring the Pop Art movement, which will also be linked to our superheroes topic. The children will be exploring the work of Andy Warhol and creating their own self-portraits in the Pop Art style.
During Term 3, Canberra Class will be participating in Voice Tuition lessons every Friday. Our voice coach, Caroline Radcliff, will teach the children a variety of songs. They will learn how to control their voice, how to pitch their voice appropriately and how to sing as part of a group.