Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Sutton Veny School, we view the emotional and social development of every child, as important as their academic progress and achievements. We believe that school plays a key role in developing healthy minds, building resilience and growing the behaviours and attitudes that the children need to be successful in their lives. By helping the children acquire these personal qualities, we aim to have a positive impact on their mental wellbeing and their ability to cope with the challenges of life. Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy sets out how we do this.
School Mental Health Policy
However, despite our collective efforts, there may be times when your child continues to feel unhappy, or struggles emotionally. You may notice that they seem low, or frequently worried, or that their behaviour changes. Sometimes children can become quieter, more withdrawn, or do things to gain your attention. These can all be signs that something is not quite right.
If you are worried about your child’s mental health, a range of support is available from local and national organisations.
This leaflet provides some useful tips for helping your child and includes links to local and national services:
Mental health problems in children and young people: guidance for parents and carers
The School
Please talk to us about your concerns, so that we can work together to help your child feel better. You could talk to your child’s class teacher initially, our Mental Health Lead, or our headteacher, Adam Lewis.
Your GP
A GP can check any physical symptoms linked to your child’s health and talk with you about their emotional well-being making a referral to a specialist service if necessary.
Your School Nurse
Parents/carers can contact the School Nurse Service for advice and support on a range of health issues; such as sleep, diet, bedwetting, anxiety. They can be found at
Websites and services that offer information and advice
The following organisations provide reliable information and advice to help parent/carers to support your child when experiencing emotional difficulties. Click on the hyperlinks to access each organisation, or service. Wiltshire now has a new website that puts many services and information points all in one place here:
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
A free NHS service that assesses and treats 0-18-year olds with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties.
On your Mind
Wiltshire’s local guidance to mental health support and services.
Young Minds: – Help for Parents
Information about all aspects of child mental health, including a Parent Helpline 0800 802 5544.
You’re Never too Young to Talk Mental Health
Leaflet for parent/carers of primary aged children.
Self-Care – Top Tips for Young Parents and Carers
Advice for taking care of your own and child’s wellbeing from Anna Freud.
Lots of information and tips for children of all ages about feelings and difficult situations.
Minded for Families
Free learning resource about mental health for parents and carers.
Happy Maps
Lots of information about health topics, including mental health, organised under different age groups. E.g. under 5’s, primary age, secondary age and young adults.
Charlie Waller Trust
Leaflets on a range of topics to support your family’s mental health.
Shout24/7 text messaging help service for parents.
Child in Mind
Expert led podcasts to help you understand and support mental health issues.
Looking after your own mental health
In order to support your child, you need to stay strong and well yourself. It isn’t easy being a parent or carer, especially when you are experiencing problems of your own, such as relationship difficulties, money worries, or problems with work and housing. Often it helps to talk to someone; with friends, family, your GP, or a support service. The following organisations can also offer information and advice to help you.
IAPT WiltshireFree access to psychological low intervention therapies, accessed through your G.P, or self-referral, for those aged 16 and above living in Wiltshire.
Tel: 116 123 – free confidential listening service.
NHS Choices: moodzone.
Helps manage stress, anxiety, depression.
CALM: campaign against living miserably
Information and help around mental health, particularly focussing on men.
SPLITZ Service
For people experiencing domestic abuse or relationship difficulties.
Citizens Advice Wiltshire
Independent charity that provides free, impartial advice and information on a range of issues including housing, employment and debt.
Turning Point
Wiltshire- a support group for those concerned about alcohol use and addiction.
Cruse Bereavement Care
Support with managing the challenges and emotions when grieving.
Sutton Veny CE Primary School, High Street, Sutton Veny, Warminster, BA12 7AP