
Science at Sutton Veny

We believe that every child has the right to receive a high quality science education. We ensure that our curriculum is broad, balanced and interesting so that the children enjoy developing their knowledge, skills and understanding as a scientist.

Our Science Curriculum is organised into topics for each year group. These follow the year by year programmes of study outlined in the national curriculum. The topics are planned to ensure a balance of physics, chemistry and biology. We work together as a staff to ensure that our science curriculum provides continuity and progression throughout the school.
Much of the work in Science is of a practical nature and the children are given every opportunity to “work scientifically” and develop their scientific skills of questioning, observing, predicting, measuring, classifying, hypothesising and evaluating results. The children learn how to carry out fair tests – collecting, analysing and presenting their data. All of the children have a science book and this is where they record their work. The children take great care in these books and they are passed on to the next class. These books demonstrate the level of each child’s achievement and the progress they have made. When they are full they take them home to keep and share with their family.
In every topic the children are encouraged to use technical terminology accurately and precisely. This scientific vocabulary is displayed in every classroom. In Year 5, the children are given lab coats to wear during science investigations; these are bought by our Friends of School. The children write all of their new scientific vocabulary on their coats and this helps to remind them to use these words.

At FS2 (Reception) the following topics are covered: Going on a Journey, Percy the Park Keeper, Dinosaurs, Space, Growing and Ourselves.

At Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) the following topics are covered : Plants, Everyday Materials, Seasonal Changes, Animals, including Humans, Living things and their Habitats.

At Lower Key Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) the following topics are covered : Plants, Rocks, Light, Animals, including Humans, Forces and Magnets, Living things and their Habitats, States of Matter, Electricity and Sound.

At Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 and 6) the following topics are covered : Living things and their Habitats, Earth and Space, Forces, Animals, including Humans, Properties and Changes of Materials, Light, Electricity, Evolution and Inheritance.

To find out more about the current topic each year group is studying, and the content, please visit each class page.

Science Policy and Curriculum Progression

Science Policy

Science Curriculum Progression