Elliston (Year 4)
Ms Lawrence
Class Teacher
Ms Last
Teaching Partner
Early Morning Work
For the first half-an-hour of the day, Year Four focus on developing key skills in English and Maths. The children work through a daily maths task to improve their mental agility. They will then complete a handwriting task based on spellings, grammar or presentation, or a reading comprehension task. Children will also be heard read once every other week during this time.
English is taught daily which develops reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. English units are usually taught over a two-week period. The children have the opportunity to learn about different texts and are encouraged to develop their own creativity and style. In English the children are taught key spellings, punctuation and grammar to help support their accuracy in reading and writing.
This term, Elliston Class will cover the following:
- Stories with Dilemmas (3 weeks).
- Recount (2 weeks)
- Non - fiction information texts (2 weeks).
Maths is taught daily from Monday to Thursday and the units covered are usually one week in length. The children build on their previous knowledge to extend their understanding in different aspects of mathematics and apply their knowledge when solving mathematical problems and puzzles. Elliston Class will cover the following units this term:
- Addition and Subtraction
- Measure: Length, perimeter and area
- Multiplication and Division: Methodology
Our Science topic for Term 2 is 'States of Matter'. The children will develop their scientific knowledge, skills and understanding by:
- Grouping materials based on their state of matter.
- Explaining how a material changes state as it is heated or cooled.
- Measure or researching the temperature at which a material changes state
- Describing the water cycle.
Topic (History and Geography)
This term we will be continuing our topic of ‘Rampaging Romans’.
We will be developing our understanding of how the Roman’s changed Britain. The children will learn about the history of Hadrian’s wall, Boudicca, Ancient Rome, their society and everyday life, the Roman Empire and its effect on Britain.
We will do this by asking questions based on the Romans and using our researching skills to develop our understanding, to create an information text based on this topic.
Each Thursday, Elliston class will be participating in Hockey. They will be working on developing their core skills within the game and their understanding of the rules. Friday afternoons will be based on Tri –golf, where they will learn and practice the different techniques and skills within the game. Both PE lessons will be taught outside so please ensure appropriate warm clothing is worn / available for all weather.
PSHE is taught weekly through both taught sessions and also supported during circle time. Our PSHE topic this term is 'Health and Wellbeing'. The PSHE sessions gives the children a chance to develop their communication skills, learn about themselves and others, as well as learning about the wider community. Within this term, we will be celebrating Anti- Bullying week, with ‘Connect with Kindness’. The week will be based around celebrating kindness.
Design and Technology
The children will be studying textiles this term. They will be researching a textiles designer, designing and making their own Roman style purse. They will evaluate and reflect on their project to create an exciting final piece. The children will develop techniques and skills throughout this process, as well as building their critical thinking skills.
As part of enrichment, Elliston class will be taking part in French lessons with Mrs Worsley. In these lessons they will learn:
- We will tell the story of Jacques le Gourmand, using actions to accompany the words.
- We will practise asking and answering conversational questions and be able to use several phrases to describe the weather.
- We will learn the vocabulary for different colours and find out how and where to use colour adjectives in simple sentences.
- We will be writing sentences using a language scaffold and a bilingual dictionary.
- We will look at French Christmas traditions and use some Christmas vocabulary.
Religious Education
RE is taught weekly each term where the children learn about different religions and themes. RE is also supported during themed collective worship each day. This term the children will be exploring the 'Incarnation', where they will explore and learn about the trinity, developing a deeper understanding around this topic.
The children are taught computing skills throughout the week during different lessons as a way to help develop and support their learning. This will include using a variety of programs on both iPads and laptops. The children follow the school SMART rules to ensure that they use the internet and ICT equipment sensibly. This term they will be using ICT equipment to research our topic, present information and create some digital art.
Music is taught throughout the year covering a variety of techniques and styles. Throughout the term, the children will be participating in voice tuition with Caroline. In these lessons they will learn a variety of songs, develop their understanding of music and the different repercussions.